Reflections on 2020: How Covid-19 Transformed Multi-Location Gym Chains

The year 2020 was unprecedented for everyone, but few industries felt the impact as intensely as the fitness industry, particularly multi-location gym chains. When Covid-19 swept across the globe, gyms were among the first businesses to be shuttered. The sudden closures left gym owners, personal trainers, and members scrambling to adapt to a new reality.

The Immediate Impact: Shutting Down and Pivoting Online

As physical locations closed, gym chains had to quickly pivot to online training services to maintain a connection with their members. Virtual workouts became the norm, with personal trainers and fitness instructors leading sessions from their living rooms. This rapid shift to online training was a lifeline for many, allowing gyms to provide continuity and keep their communities engaged, even from a distance.

The Exodus of Personal Trainers

However, the shift also had unintended consequences. Many personal trainers, faced with uncertainty and the lure of independence, chose to leave large gym chains to start their own online businesses. This exodus created a talent vacuum in many established gyms, further complicating their efforts to navigate the pandemic's challenges.

The Long Road to Recovery

It has taken several years for large fitness businesses to recover from the initial shock of the pandemic. The path to recovery has been slow and arduous, marked by periods of reopening, subsequent closures, and the constant need to adapt to evolving health guidelines.

Roaring Back: The Resurgence of Gyms

Despite these challenges, multi-location gym chains are experiencing a robust resurgence. The pandemic has underscored a fundamental truth: people crave community. The isolation of remote work and social distancing has highlighted the gym's role as a "third place" – a space outside of home and work where people can connect, socialize, and be part of a community.

The Superpower of Gyms: Investing in People

Gyms are realizing that their greatest asset isn't the latest equipment or the most stylish facilities; it's the people who work there. The trainers, instructors, and staff members are the heart and soul of any fitness business. Investing in their development, well-being, and satisfaction is crucial to creating an environment where members feel supported and motivated.

StrengthPortal: Empowering Gyms to Thrive

At StrengthPortal, we recognize the unique challenges and opportunities facing multi-location gym chains in this new era. Our platform is designed to help gyms harness their true superpower – their people. By providing tools that streamline operations, enhance trainer-client interactions, and deliver personalized fitness experiences, we empower gyms to create amazing environments that drive real results for their members.


The journey from 2020 to today has been marked by resilience, innovation, and a renewed appreciation for community. As we move forward, it's clear that the fitness industry's future is bright. People are eager to return to personal training studios, gyms, and health clubs, seeking not just physical fitness but the social connections that enrich their lives. With StrengthPortal by their side, multi-location gym chains are well-equipped to meet this demand and thrive in the years to come.