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2024 Q3 Retrospective

Hello all, I'm happy to share the latest and greatest on what our team worked on in Q3 2024:


  • Web App Rebuild: As we mentioned in our last update, our team decided to make a large investment into rebuilding our web app with the latest and greatest from Next JS and React Query to deliver the best experience possible for our customers. Along with the rebuild, we've snuck in a few additional net new features and improvements we're really excited about sharing more on soon. We'll follow up with another post as soon as this goes live!
  • Supported Integrations: As we've continued to scale our company and platform we've had requests to prioritize additional supported integrations to help with onboarding large multi-location gym chains. We'll share more as these plans continue to develop.

As a company we're in the process of scaling up our company with several really fast-growing fitness businesses and are seeing our long-held thesis play out. As a team our goals continue to be crystal clear:

  1. Make our platform incredibly easy to integrate and roll out for large fitness businesses.
  2. Deliver the best possible user experience for trainers to do their job well.
  3. Create opportunities within our customers' businesses for scalable training models, enabling fitness professionals to earn more.

Lots of fun glass-eating work ahead. We're having a blast!

Thank you, as always, for all the feedback and support. If you're interested in learning more about our platform and would like to schedule a demo with our team please don't hesitate to reach out.

Matt McGunagle

Matt McGunagle

CEO & Founder of StrengthPortal. Working hard to help you in between deadlifts and jiu-jitsu!

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