Press Release: Equinox and StrengthPortal renew partnership

Equinox has been engaged in a successful partnership with StrengthPortal since 2018. The Strength Portal team has worked closely with the Equinox Fitness Training Institute (EFTI) and Equinox Technology teams to create a programming solution that is used throughout all 100+ clubs in the portfolio. Equinox prides itself on delivering the best programming in the industry and StrengthPortal has been a great partner in helping us build a customized tool that our teams leverage to create individualized programs for all personal training clients. The StrengthPortal team has shown a high level of commitment to servicing our specific needs as well as continuing to be agile and proactive as we identify additional programming requirements.

  • Eswar Veluri - Equinox SVP, Digital Products
  • Michael Caporusso - Sr. Director, EFTI