2024 Q2 Retrospective

Hello all, I'm happy to share the latest and greatest on what our team worked on in Q2 2024:


  • Intake Assessments and PAR-Q Form: In order to help streamline the onboarding process that trainers have with member prospects we've started rolling out a new intake assessment form that includes standard PAR-Q questions. With this feature we'll be able to replace yet another paper document that many of our customers still relay on in the year 2024 and further strengthen the data collected through client profiles for trainers to deliver the best experience possible to their clients.
  • Improved Multi-location and Fitness Manager Team Data Access: As our large multi-location partners continue to grow we're invested time and energy into streamlining the data activity review process for HQ account owners and Fitness Managers for their trainers usage of our platform.
  • Internal Tooling: We built several new tools to streamline our customer onboarding and day-to-day support to deliver the best experience possible for our fitness business customers!


  • Web App Rebuild: We've decided that now is the time to rebuild our web app with the latest and greatest from Next JS and React Query to deliver the best experience possible for our customers. While our current platform is doing a good job meeting the day-to-day needs of our customers we see a clear path to deliver an even more powerful platform that will help them scale their businesses. The target outcome is to make the platform even faster, more performant, optimize workflows, and add in new features while we're at it. Currently targeted for an end of summer or early Fall release. We'll share more along the way!

As a company we're in the process of scaling up our company with several really fast-growing fitness businesses and are seeing our long-held thesis play out. As a team our goals continue to be crystal clear:

  1. Make our platform incredibly easy to integrate and roll out for large fitness businesses.
  2. Deliver the best possible user experience for trainers to do their job well.
  3. Create opportunities within our customers' businesses for scalable training models, enabling fitness professionals to earn more.

Lots of fun glass-eating work ahead. We're having a blast!

Thank you, as always, for all the feedback and support. If you're interested in learning more about our platform and would like to schedule a demo with our team please don't hesitate to reach out.