2022 Q4 Retrospective

Hello all, I'm happy to share the latest and greatest on what we've been working on in Q4 2022:


  • Web app - New UI/UX - Workout templates: Prior to this update we'd built out specific pages accessed from the side-menu for Programs and Workout Sessions. We decided the optimal UX for our users in the long-term was to consolidate these two pages into one with a few improvements added along the way. This also opened up the UI to add in the following update.
  • Workout Section Templates: We've had workout program templates, workout sessions, but we're happy to announce that we've also added the ability to create, save, and add specific workout sections within workout sessions. This adds more flexiblity to your weekly programming and, once a system is built out, will speed up your programming even further. You can build out a library of warmups, resistance training, and even cardio sections that you can then drop into any program at any time based on your clients needs.


  • Tech Debt - Custom & Supported integration improvements: We're close to wrapping up a large project that addresses tech debt with the goal of improving our user creation and management logic to improve day-to-day needs of our customers custom and supported integration setups.
  • Web app - Tablet & Mobile Responsiveness: As our platforms use cases continue to expand over time we wanted to block off time to take a look at the entire web app flows on tablet and smartphones to see where we can improve or rebuild different areas of the app to improve UX.

Thank you, as always, for all the feedback and support. If you're interacting with our platform for the first time and would like to schedule a demo with our team please don't hesitate to reach out.