2022 Q3 Retrospective: Benchmark Programs & Reports

Hello all, excited to share the latest and greatest on what we've been working on in Q3 2022:


  • Benchmark Programs & Reports: After building out the foundation for Client Reports last quarter we wanted to take this feature a step further by allowing companies to set up standardized reports across all gyms and training teams and display different types of data. Our customer interviews showed that our customers had setup standardized workout tests they tracked with their clients month after month to show progress over time, mostly tracked in spreadsheets. We took this concept and refined it into our newest feature Benchmark Programs & Reports. Now our customers have the ability to create a new program type, a Benchmark Program, that is available to their full training teams (similar to Team Programs). When tracked with a client this exercise history will have a tag attached to it so we can filter down to that data for that client to that program. The end result is that when the trainer goes to the Reports page they can select which Benchmark Program they want to create a report from and then within one click they have a Benchmark Report to share with their client. More rich, rich data to share with clients to show all the progress they are making! We are super excited to set these up with our legacy customers and to start to build up the data even further over time. Click here to view an example report.

We're looking forward to the feedback from this V1 release so we can continue to refine and improve this feature from here.


  • Tech Debt - Custom & Supported integration improvements: We're blocking off some time to address tech debt to improve our user creation and management logic to improve day-to-day needs of our customers custom and supported integration setups.


  • We were happy to announce our new partner, the Fitness SF team! As Bay Area natives this partnership is super exciting for us. The management team is making a big investment into their tech ecosystem to improve their training staffs and member daily experience powered by our software. Looking forward to sharing the results as this moves forward!

Thank you, as always, for all the feedback and support. If you're interacting with our platform for the first time and would like to schedule a demo with our team please don't hesitate to reach out.