2022 Q1 Retrospective: Continued improvements to Supported Integrations and Franchisor and Franchisee customer models

Hello everyone, I hope the new year is starting off well for you and your team. Here's a quick summary with the latest and greatest of what we've been working on to start the new year in Q1 2022:


  • Franchisor and Franchisee support: In Q4 we had started to add clarity and depth to the roles and permissions for all staff users involved in this growing customer segment for StrengthPortal and it turned out that we need to continue to allocate a good portion of our time in this area. Simply put, this business model has a lot of complexity for how content is created, managed, and shared across multiple location. Adding to that, when you factor in how this differs from our multi-location setup we had to adjust our integrations model for customer onboarding and management. No complaints, these are the fun and messy types of challenges we love to dig into! From an outside perspective it may seem that we didnt' release a ton this quarter, but these are long-term investments we're making that allow our customers to scale fast when they need to. Fast onboarding for single location, franchises, and multi-location is where our biggest advantage lies so we're going to keep on putting our time and enegy into this area of the platform.
  • Platform speed and stability improvements: We're continually making updates here, but we released a few updates under the hood over the last few months that will continue to pay off in the long-term for the platform.


  • Client Reports: Towards the end of 2021 we had started to build the foundation for the feature I've long talked about for several years. We had to put this work on pause for a bit in Q1, but it will be a top focus in Q2. Looking forward to sharing more in our next update!

Thank you as always for all the feedback and support. If you'd like to schedule a demo with our team please don't hesitate to reach out.